Monday, June 26, 2017

Who to Invite for Your Next Methods and Practices Symposium

Planning a symposium or panel on methods and practices in psychology? Here's a collection of top notch speakers to consider inviting.* Inspired by a recent post on PsychMAP as well as #womenalsoknowstuffnot to mention the frequency with which people ask me to recommend female speakers because they can't think of anythese are all women. So now there is no excuse for the 100% male panel on the subject. In fact, you could easily have a 100% female panel of stellar experts (and it's been done! exactly once, as far as I know). Keep in mind that many of these scholars could also be excellent contributors to special issues and handbooks on methods and practices topics.

Here are names and institutions for potential speakers across a range of career stages. These scholars can all speak to issues that relate to our field's unfolding conversations and debates about replicability and improving research methods and practices. When possible, I've linked the name to a relevant publication as well so that you can get a sense of some of their work.

(And of course, this list is incomplete. If you or someone you know should be on it, please leave a comment with the scholar's name, position, institution, relevant speaking topics, and a link to a relevant paper if applicable!)

Samantha Anderson, PhD student, University of Notre Dame

Statistical power, replication methodology, more nuanced ways to determine the "success" of a replication study

Jojanneke Bastiaansen, Postdoc, Groningen

Citation distortion, bias in reporting 

Christina Bergmann, Max Planck Institute Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Crowd-sourced meta-analyses, open science, improving research practices in infancy research 

Dorothy Bishop, Professor, Oxford
Reproducibility, open science

Erin Buchanan, Associate Professor, Missouri State University 
Effect sizes and confidence intervals, alternatives to NHST, Bayesian statistics, statistical reporting

Katherine Button, Lecturer, University of Bath

Power estimation, replicability

Krista Byers-Heinlein, Associate Professor, Concordia University

Organizing large multi-lab collaborative studies and RRRs (she leads the ManyBabies Bilingual project, an RRR at AMPPS currently in data collection), working with hard-to-recruit/hard-to-test/hard-to-define populations (bilingual infants), and making sure the media gets your science right.

Katie Corker, Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University
Meta-analysis, replication, perspectives on open science from teaching institutions

Angelique Cramer, Associate Professor, Tilburg University

Slow science, open science, exploratory vs. confirmatory hypothesis testing, hidden multiple-testing issues in ANOVA, replication issues in the context of psychopathology research

Alejandrina Cristia, Researcher, Ecole Normale Supérieure
Crowd-sourced meta-analyses, research practices in infancy research

Pamela Davis-Kean, Professor, University of Michigan

Large developmental data sets, replication

Elizabeth Dunn, Professor, University of British Columbia
Pre-registration, how researchers think about Bayes Factors, the NHST debate

Arianne Eason, PhD student, University of Washington

Research practices in infancy research

Ellen Evers, Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Statistical power, reliability of published work

Fernanda Ferreira, Professor, UC Davis
Open science, open access, replication, how to design appropriate replication studies when original studies involve stimuli that may be specific to certain time periods or contexts (e.g., words used in an experiment in psycholinguistics)

Jessica Flake, Postdoc, York University

Construct validation, measurement, instrument design

Susann Fiedler, Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany

Economics and ethics of science, reproducibility, publication bias, incentive structures, digital scholarship and open science

Shira Gabriel, Associate Professor, SUNY Buffalo
Editor perspective on changes in the field and implementing new ideas in journals

Kiley Hamlin, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia

How to improve methods when you study hard-to-recruit populations; personal experiences with the dangers of failing to document everything and how to prevent this problem in your own lab.

Erin Hennes, Assistant Professor, Purdue University

Simulation methods for power analysis in complex designs

Ase Innes-Ker, Senior Lecturer, Lund University
Open science, replication, peer review

Deborah Kashy, Professor, Michigan State University

Reporting practices, transparency

Melissa Kline, Postdoc, MIT

Improving practices in infancy research

Alison Ledgerwood, Associate Professor, UC Davis

Practical best practices; how to design a study to maximize what you learn from it (strategies for maximizing power, distinguishing exploratory and confirmatory research); how to learn more from exploratory analyses; promoting careful thinking across the research cycle.

Carole Lee, Associate Professor, University of Washington
Philosophy of science, peer review practices, publication guidelines

Dora Matzke, Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam

Bayesian inference

Michelle Meyer, Assistant Professor and Associate Director, Center for Translational Bioethics and Health Care Policy at Geisinger Health System

Topics related to responsible conduct of research, research ethics, or IRBs, including ethical/policy/regulatory aspects of replication, data preservation/destruction, data sharing and secondary research uses of existing data, deidentification and reidentification, and related IRB and consent issues.

Kate Mills, Postdoc, University of Oregon 

Human neuroscience open data, multi-site collaboration

Lis Nielson, Chief, Individual Behavioral Processes Branch, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, NIH
Improving reproducibility, validity, and impact

Michèle Nuijten, PhD student, Tilberg University

Replication, publication bias, statistical errors, questionable research practices

Elizabeth Page-Gould, Associate Professor, University of Toronto

Reproducibility in meta-analysis

Jolynn Pek, Assistant Professor, York University
Quantifying uncertainties in statistical results of popular statistical models and bridging the gap between methodological developments and their application.

Cynthia Pickett, Associate Professor, UC Davis

Changing incentive structures, alternative approaches to assessing merit.

Julia Rohrer, Fellow, Deutsches Institut Für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin

Metascience, early career perspective on replicability issues

Caren Rotello, Professor, UMass Amherst

Measurement issues, response bias, why replicable effects may nevertheless be erroneous.

Victoria Savalei, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia

The NHST debate, how people reason about and use statistics and how this relates to the replicability crisis, how researchers use Bayes Factors.

Anne Scheel, PhD student, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich

Open science, pre-registration, replication issues from a cognitive and developmental psychology perspective, early career perspective

Linda Skitka, Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago

Empirically assessing the status of the field with respect to research practices and evidentiary value; understanding perceived barriers to implementing best practices.

Courtney Soderberg, Statistical and Methodological Consultant, Center for Open Science

Pre-registration and pre-analysis plans, sequential analysis, meta-analysis, methodological and statistical tools for improving research practices.

Jessica Sommerville, Professor, University of Washington

Research practices in infancy research.

Jehan Sparks, PhD student, UC Davis

Practical strategies for improving research practices in one's own lab (e.g., carefully distinguishing between confirmatory and exploratory analyses in a pre-analysis plan).

Barbara Spellman, Professor, University of Virginia

Big-picture perspective on where the field has been and where it’s going; what editors can do to improve the field; how to think creatively about new ideas and make them happen (e.g., RRRs at Perspectives on Psychological Science)

Sara Steegen, PhD student, University of Leuven, Belgium

Research transparency, multiverse analysis

Victoria Stodden, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Enabling reproducibility in computational science, developing standards of openness for data and code sharing, big data, privacy issues, resolving legal and policy barriers to disseminating reproducible research.

Jennifer Tackett, Associate Professor, Northwestern

Replicability issues in clinical psychology and allied fields

Sho Tsuji, Postdoc, UPenn and LSCP, Paris

Crowd-sourced meta-analysis

Anna van t'Veer, Postdoc, Leiden University

Pre-registration, replication

Simine Vazire, Associate Professor, UC Davis; Co-founder, Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS)

Replication, open science, transparency

Anna de Vries, PhD student, Groningen

Citation distortion, bias in reporting, meta-analysis

Tessa West, Associate Professor, NYU
Customized power analysis, improving inclusion in scientific discourse

Edit (6/27/17): Note that this list doesn't even try to cover the many excellent female scholars who could speak on quantitative methods more broadly—I will leave that to someone else to compile (and if you take this on, let me know and I'll link to it here!). In this list, I'm focusing on scholars who have written and/or spoken about issues like statistical power, replication, publication bias, open science, data sharing, and other topics related to core elements of the field's current conversations and debates about replicability and improving research practices (i.e., the kinds of topics covered on this syllabus). 

1 comment:

  1. Julia Moeller, Postdoc, Yale University, intensive longitudinal data / experience sampling and person-oriented methods (e.g., latent profile analysis, co-occurrence network analysis). Relevant papers e.g., and
